Saturday, October 19, 2019

Week 63: Instrument in His Hand

Hey y'all! Happy October and I hope everyone enjoyed Conference this weekend! This week was busy busy busy and we saw the Lord's hand more in our lives! It's amazing! Let's get into it!

Monday after P-Day we went over to someone we were teaching and was able to have dinner with her and her family! We also were able to talk about the Book of Mormon videos that came out and how it's blessed us in knowing the Book of Mormon a lot better and she got really interested in them! After that we went over and saw Neely's mom and had a great discussion about how she didn't go through certain things and ended up down here for no apparent reason and meeting us, and she agrees! She's learning a lot and has a lot of questions to ask us and she loves it! Then we came back and ended the day.

Tuesday we got picked up by Columbus and drove all the way to Tupelo for Zone Conference and it was amazing! We learned a lot about how studying Electronically and how marking, tagging, and linking things will promise us greater understand of the Gospel and I have definitely see it help me out a lot! And we also talked about being Bold with love, that as we show our love and they know we love them, we can be as bold as we want with them, just not overbearing. Then after we got things ready and we came back a little later than planned and went out to try and visit people but it fell through so we just had dinner and ended the day.

Wednesday we did studies and went to the Library and did some studies there and gave Bibles to a lady who's collecting Bibles for the people in Ghana, which was super cool! Then we had a cool lesson with someone about the Restoration! And what was cool about it is that she likes what we are teaching because we can back it up with scripture! It's cool to see people open their hearts up when we show them that it's there in the scriptures and when they ask questions! Afterwards we had other things fall through and we decided to go tracking, and out of all the houses we knocked, we found 1 person through it all, and we felt accomplished by it! Through every effort we do, we see the blessings as we go out and act on finding the people who are ready for the Gospel! Then we had a lesson with someone and read a couple of chapters in the Book of Mormon and talked about Jesus Christ and the prophecies in those Chapters! After we came back home and ended the day!

Thursday we did studies and then a member took us to lunch to Staffords and that was super good. After that Columbus showed up for exchanges and I was staying here in West Point with Elder Hall. Then we started exchanges and me and Elder Hall biked up to the north end of West Point to have some appointments. Sadly they fell through and we decided to try and visit some people. We felt inspired to visit some houses and because of that we ended up finding 3 people! You know, I find it cool with that experience because I have learned that as you act on the promptings you feel you will be blessed. Some happen immediately, but some others take a little, but they happen, and it's super cool how the Lord is using me and anyone else as instruments in bringing righteous purposes for the Lord. Then after we had some lessons and visited someone we are working with and helped him understand stuff he had questions about. Then we came in for the night and had dinner.

Friday we got ready and went to the Food Pantry and we had 32 boxes. It was the most I have ever seen since I've been here. It was insane. We had to check temperatures, weigh, and sort into their perspective categories. Let's just say Columbus had to come to it and helps us finish because it was taking us a while haha. 272lbs of it was meat overall. It was crazy. Then we ended exchanges and me and Elder Judd had a miracle lesson with Vernita! She's been meeting with missionaries for about 2 years now and has had a hard time with a few things. But miraculously we were able to set her on date and help her able to overcome those struggles! We were super excited! After we came home and got picked up by Brother Wilson and had 2 pretty good lessons about the Plan of Salvation in Okolona! We helped one of them feel peace about a lot of things about the Spirit World and it was super cool to see her heart open up! Then we came back home and did Weekly Planning and it was just amazing.

Saturday before Conference we went to get things for cookies and we ended up finding 2 people! Then we went to the Church and Vernita came for the 1st Session of Conference! After that session we had a lesson fall through and then we came back and watched the other session and that was really good. We helped prepare the Church for the Women's Conference and we contacted a few people and studied a little and then we got Transfer news! I'm staying here in West Point and I'm becoming District Leader!! I'm super excited and nervous for it, but I know it's going to be great! Then we got a ride home and ended the day!

Sunday it was mainly Conference watching and it was very inspiring!! I loved a lot of the speakers and their testimonies! After the sessions we came home and tried to visit people but they fell through sadly. Then we came home and ended the day!

This week was super amazing and very spiritual! I'm truly thankful for General Conference and the love of the Savior that we feel that as we listen to the Prophets and do the Lord's will! I hope y'all can continue to feel His love! Have a great week y'all!!

May God be with you all, and know that I am here. I love you all!

Elder Braxton Hotton

-We saw a Deer (360p quality sorry)
-Pink Water
-Hamburgers I attempted to grill on the skillet. 3/10 on my effort(then again it was my first time)
-A Salty Bag
-How we prepare for Conference😂
-Cinnamon Rolls😍

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