Sunday, September 29, 2019

Week 61: The Uphill

Hey y'all! I hope y'all had a great week and wasn't destroyed by the Area 51 raid XD. But this week for was me was another great turnout, rough bumps in the beginning but it was great at the end! But enough talk and let's get into it!

Monday we had District P-Day in Starkville and we played a lot of games, well really it was Uno and Phase 10, but still. And I had no luck in either of those games so I totally got just rolled over by +2s stacked on each other and +4s stacked on each other and all that. But thankfully the 0 7 rule helped me out enough to not get totally rolled but still. It was a lot of fun though I enjoyed spending time with the District. Afterwards we came back did some other stuff for the rest of the day.

Tuesday was a pretty good day overall. We did our studies and went out and started visiting people, we had a few lessons at first fall through, then we had lessons for the rest of the day. I got to meet more of the people we have been teaching and had some cool experiences through that. We also did some contacting to kind of see if people are interested or not so that helped out, mostly. It's hard to tell sometimes when people here in the south don't particularly like taking calls for a local number they don't know. I mean yea everyone does it but the South is more.. Into it that the other areas. So that's always exciting. And we also were able to setup a few return appointments throughout the day so we are able to keep ourselves busy.

Wednesday was like a bust blessing, weird I know but let me explain. We originally had planned to go up to the Houston/Okolona (oak-o-low-na) and have a lesson with a referral we've been trying to meet since I got here and go visit people in the area. But, with our luck, we couldn't find a ride worth to save our LIVES. It was rough, so we had to reschedule the lesson and we contacted the people we wanted to try and see up in Houston. Afterwards we went to the Library and did some Online Pros/Studying at the Library for about an hour. Then while we were outside some guy comes up and sits down on a bench and starts talking to us and we started talking with him about a few things. Then we were able to share about the Book of Mormon and why we share it and he was interested in learning more and coming to Church! So that was a cool experience. Then we biked around and tried to contact a few people but that didn't work, then we had a lesson fall through sadly, so we decided to make some cookies for people and drop some off. And that was about it.

Thursday was another bust blessing. We had a lot of lessons planned and even a church tour but sadly all but 1 fell through, and we were starting to get real bummed about it but then when we had the lesson with one of our friends Miesha it got better because the lesson was super good. We answered a lot of questions she had as we were talking about the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Faith, Repentance, Baptism, Gift of the Holy Ghost, The Sacrament and the importance of it weekly, and Enduring to the End)! We also had the opportunity to talk to some of her family members and they were super cool. We talked to one about all types of things and he really enjoyed talking to us! It was awesome! Then we just finished the day and went in!

Friday was something else. We started off by doing the Food Pantry and that was pretty good as usual. Then we came back and had Lunch. Elder Judd did a a call and then we had Weekly Planning and that was pretty good actually. Then we walked good old Bella, such a good doggo, I enjoy walking her. Afterwards we planned to go a little west of West Point and try to contact a few people. Well.. That was an experience and a half I will tell you that. Just getting to that area, GETTING to some of the people required us biking in a space the size of 6-8 inches and with rumble strip on my left and dirt with an inch drop on my right, overall (there and back) I possibly did around 3-4 miles of that, and I was a little scared but I'm alive. Also hit the rumble strip quite often so that was a bumpy experience (HA I'M FUNNY) but sadly all the contacts didn't work out but yea. That was a fun experience.

Saturday was pretty good. We had a lesson with someone we are teaching and we read in Mosiah 15 and talked about a lot of things. Then we came back and finished studies. After that we went to Wal-Mart to get a few items for more cookies for Sunday and then we came back and started making cookies. We finished Elder Judds cookies, had a lesson fall through so we came back and made my cookies(photo below for results) and it was a lot. We were figuring out what we needed to do to find people and we prayed about it and we felt like we needed to go to an area and knock a few doors. And because of that and a follow up we found 2 new people which as awesome. Then after we had an amazing lesson with Neelys mom and helped answer her questions and concerns she had and she really appreciated it.

Sunday we sadly had no one at Church, but because we now have the Air Force Base in our area we had 62 people at Church! It was amazing! We also had a potluck and it was super good, there was a lot of good food there. Afterwards we did our studies and planned out the rest of our day. We had to find 3 people to achieve the goal we wanted so we planned and prayed and found an area where we felt like we should go. And then we proceeded to find 3 people, and it was awesome. We were super happy about that and being able to hit our goal. We followed up and talked to people as much as we could and it worked out! It was exciting! Then we came back in and did Call Ins and had dinner.

This week was great, and it's helped me out a lot with my faith and putting in my best effort. I'm grateful to continue to be an instrument in the Lord's hands and I'm excited for this area to progress to what it needs to be! Have a great week!

May God be with you all, and know that I am here. I love you all!

Elder Braxton Hotton

-Cookie Extravaganza
-Walking Bella

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