Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Week 10: The Slow and Inspirational Week

Hello all! It's October already! Holy crap, that's crazy. This week has been very interesting to say the least, slow, but an eye opener for me, with a slightly hefty topic I will be talking about at the end of my email. I hope school and life has been treating you all well.

Before I begin, I would like to personally thank the Primary Kids in my home ward. I loved each and every letter you have given me and they mean a lot to me! Thank you for sending them to me and I hope you all can be missionaries too when you grow up! (See pics below) 

So after emails and such, we had dinner at a members house and had Ribs. But it wasn't any type of ribs, it was beer soaked ribs(Don't. Worry. The. Alcohol. Was. Boiled. Out.) It was pretty interesting to say the least. And they showed us pics of when they went to Nauvoo, Illinois and saw all the church history sites. It was pretty cool to look at them!

Then Tuesday was pretty long overall. We didn't have District Council because of transfer week, but nothing happened in transfer week to us so that's good. Then after all the studies and planning, we left to do our route we had planned. Some were home, some weren't. But we met with Sister Huckaby again and read the Book of Mormon with her and talked about it. We stopped at a Gas Station and got stuff there, and then planned for the Book of Mormon class that we have tried to set up(Hasn't had very much success). Then later on we went to the church and no one showed up for the class, then we visited Sister Yeager because it was her birthday. We saw Georgia as well and shook hands on giving her a blessing next time we saw her. And then we went inside and had "T.V. Dinners" which was something I never called them before haha. Her day was sadly kinda rough but we definitely brighten it up.

Wednesday was pretty good, though we were kinda tired. We had an appointment fall through again which sucked but it happens. Then we drove up to the Morrisons and spoke with them for a while. Then tried visiting someone else but they weren't home. After that we went to the Hardmans a little early and rested in the truck because we were just beat for some reason. But then we went in, talked with them and after a while we did the lesson with Unique and Maricus and finished off the 4th lesson. They are going to be baptized on Oct. 13th! Which is exciting to know. Then after we had dinner at the Hulls house and had dinner there and ate PASTAA. Nummy. Then we went over to Sister Pearline Taylor's house and gave her a blessing and got cake.

Thursday was a slower day. After all of our studies, we were going to eat lunch at Wendys. But as we parked, we got a call from Gary asking if we wanted Burgers.. So we drove up to Lamar and ate burgers there hahaha. Then we kinda helped them work on the Bush Hogger (Basically a large tractor lawn mower). After we visited one of the Byrds and spoke with her for a while. We tried visiting someone else who was sick but no one answered. Then we visited the Hills and talked about school and snow and all that stuff. Had dinner at Mockeys and helped someone get a calander item going on their phone. Georgia and Mike had to get pushed to Friday because they were both busy.

Friday is the day I realized something, also it was a slow day as well. These days happen haha. We worked on the Animal Shelter again, though it was a struggle getting the dogs out this time but it worked out. After studies we had lunch at Wendys. Then we came back home and had a really good weekly planning session. We feel like once Elder Brinkerhoff is done marking up the Book of Mormon, we feel like we can get her baptized in October. Which is crazy to think about, but I feel like it is possible. We then tried visiting Lois, but caught her at a bad time again, she told us to keep trying. Then we drove up to Byhalia, and stopped by the Hardmans where they gave us a to-go bag to eat (Subway) ((Because Brother Hardman had to leave earlier than planned)) and we ate it at a Gas Station. Then we got in a convo about stuff and then Elder Brinkerhoff asked something about if I'm self-conscious about it. And then I just kinda sat there and thought about it. I realized that I'm more self conscious than I thought I was. But after a while of me talking about it, we left to go visit Mike. We talked about Ordinances and the steps of getting into the Celestial Kingdom. And then we talked about Ray Stevens(Never heard of him, but he's an interesting Christian comedian). After that we visited Georgia, and when we started getting ready to give her the blessing, Elder Brinkerhoff told me that I'll do it. And let's just say I was terrified because I don't know if I'd say anything or feel anything that will help her. Once I kinda got myself together, I did the blessing, and it turned out better than I thought it would. It was short, but it was good. They said I did a good job so I'm taking their word for it haha. Then we came back and cleaned up a little for Apartment assessment on Saturday

Saturday was pretty good. We did some last minute touches to the place and then the Apartment assessment missionaries came by. They loved the place and said we may have the biggest bedroom in the Mission haha. Then after all that we drove up to Collierville and had Panda for lunch. Then we parked at the church, I read the Book of Mormon a little, and then took a hour nap in the truck which was nice. Then we got into the building and set up the baptism that we had for Cooper. Then the baptism happened, me and Elder Brinkerhoff almost cried a little but it was really good. After that they invited us to O'Charelys which was pretty good. And then came back and sent texts out to people.

Sunday was very interesting. We only had 1 hour of church because Penacostal needed their building earlier so we had just Sacrament meeting. It was the Primary Program and it went really well. We had Donuts and juice after and then we all left. I then took a nap because I was just beat for some reason and then did Personal Study. We visited the Morrisons and did a finding activity with them and we got a lot of people on our list. Then we came back and watched Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration(Highly recommended). I've watched it a few times already and I almost cried a couple of times in it. Then we had dinner at Brother Roswells and gave them a Thank You card. And them we visited Sister Pearline Taylor for a little after that.

What I learned this week(This is the slightly hefty stuff):

After what happened Friday, I have come to realize something. I am more self-conscious than I realize about a lot of things, and that's not a good thing. I have come to realize that I need to step my foot down and say look... I'm not perfect, I will never be perfect, and if you have a problem with me and my flaws, you can either talk it out with me or walk away. I am tired of always getting into small, unneeded fights with those I care for because of my imperfections, and always feeling like a failure of a person to everyone I care about. It has happened way to many times in my life and it needs to stop, now. If you are truly my friend, you would come to me and talk it out civilly, because we are at that age where we can't throw these fights on a small incident. I may never be a perfect friend or person, I will always fall short, but everyone just needs to realize that that's life and you can't always get what you want. If you really do care and love me, you would push through each trial with me and want to be better. We cannot go through life alone, and no one will grow if life was perfect and we were perfect. I will always make mistakes, I will fall short in so many people's eyes, but we all want to return to heaven and we all on that path working towards it, but one thing that the Apostle Jeffery R. Holland said, "Don't attack the path I am on." I am trying to be the best I can be, and if me trying just isn't enough, then the door is right there to walk out. I'm sorry this is a little hefty, but I just felt like it needed to be said.

I hope you all understand where I come from when I say all of that. But I do love you all, I do. Don't forget that. I hope you all have a great week. And hope General Conference blesses your lives and answers your questions.

With love, 

Elder Braxton Hotton

1st and 2nd pic: Me covered in Primary Kids letters
3rd pic: More Kudzu
4th and 5th pic: A interesting flower
6th pic: My setup

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